al-Qaeda in Yemen

American Drone Targeting a House in Marib, Left Deaths

An American drone targeted on Sunday, a house in Wadi Ubaidah, Marib province, east of Yemen. Local sources indicated that the American drone bombed a house believed to have included al -Qaeda operatives in the Jalal area in Wadi Ubaidah. The...

STC Exposes Saudi Plan to Recycle “Al Qaeda” in Yemen

The Southern Transitional Council (STC), the de facto authority in southern Yemen, revealed, on Sunday, developments in the "Al-Qaeda" file that may undermine Saudi efforts to recycle it in Yemen. The official channel of the Transitional Council reported divisions among...

Sana’a Announces Success of Prisoner Exchange Operation with “Al-Qaeda”

The Prisoners Committee in Sana’a announced, on Sunday, the success of a prisoner exchange operation during the past days, with the “Al-Qaeda” organization, which is fighting on the side of the coalition in the war on Yemen. The head of...

أحدث العناوين

المقاومة تواصل حصد أرواح الضباط الإسرائيليين.. حصيلة اليوم

اعترف جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي بمصرع ضابط إسرائيلي برصاص المقاومة الفلسطينية خلال معارك في شمال قطاع غزة. متابعات-الخبر اليمني: وقال المتحدث باسم...