occupied Palestinian territories

UN Rapporteur: Genocide massacres in Gaza are the most horrific horrors of the current century

The UN Special Rapporteur on HR in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, described the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip as "the most heinous horror of the twenty-first century." She stressed that "Israel committed many crimes" against the Palestinian...

UN: Gaza Strip faces public health catastrophe

The United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs said on Wednesday that the Gaza Strip is facing a “public health catastrophe” after the collapse of the health system and the spread of diseases as a result of population overcrowding. “We all...

أحدث العناوين

ريال مدريد يتغلب على مانشستر سيتي بثلاثية

نجح ريال مدريد في إسقاط مانشستر سيتي بمعقله بنتيجة (3-2)، اليوم الثلاثاء، في  ملعب الاتحاد ضمن منافسات ذهاب الملحق...