STC Closes Hadi’s Government Headquarters in Aden

The factions of the STC, backed by UAE in southern Yemen, closed, on Tuesday, the last headquarters of Hadi government in Aden, in conjunction with the council’s hinting to options, confronting what it described as a “policy of collective punishment and services” in a step that may carry escalatory steps for the Council which is facing increasing popular pressure due to the lack of services especially electricity.
Adenian lawyer Hoda Al-Sarari said that crews and armored vehicles raided the Judicial Complex in Aden and closed the courts and prosecution offices by force preventing citizens to enter.. The storming of the courts and prosecution offices comes a day after a statement by STC’s Southern Judges Club announcing its refusal to instruct the Attorney General appointed by Hadi Ahmed Al-Mousai to resume work in prosecutors and courts with the end of Ramadan vacation period.
Although the transitional move is not new, the timing of the campaign carries several dimensions, especially as it coincides with the transitional renewal to its call for Hadi government residing in Hadhramaut to return to Aden and fulfill its obligations towards providing services to citizens. Not to mention the mounting pressure against his authority, represented by the expected calls to demonstrate on Friday, indicating that the council, whose head has just held an emergency meeting with the crisis cell of Economic Committee, is preparing to take new decisions to drop the agreement emerging from Riyadh agreement, in a way that strengthens its grip on the city of Aden and neutralizes the isolated Hadi government since its supporters storming hadi’s headquarters in Aden.

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