The Israeli Intelligence: We cooperate with the legitimacy against the Houthis


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Exclusive – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

A British newspaper mentioned that the State of the Israeli occupation is starting from scratch in gathering intelligence information to confront the Houthis in Yemen.

The Telegraph newspaper quoted sources in the Israeli intelligence as saying that Israel is struggling to gather information about the Houthis, after not considering the group a threat until the October 7 attacks.

It added, “All the time, we thought the Houthis were not an Israeli problem, but rather for the US, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.”

The sources confirmed to the newspaper that the gathering of intelligence information is now “starting from scratch.”

The Israeli intelligence sources, in their talk about Yemen, said, “There are no borders, and they are very far away, so there are fewer human options.” They added, “However, there are many tribes, in addition to the legitimate Yemeni government, with whom we cooperate and who can provide us with very useful sources and information, so they share a lot with us.”

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