The “Supreme Political Council” announced today, Wednesday, the release of the crew of the “Galaxy Leader” ship, which was detained on November 19, 2023, as part of the battle to support Gaza.
Sana’a – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:
The Council, in a statement, confirmed that the release of the crew came through “communication with the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas and the efforts of the brothers in the Sultanate of Oman”, noting that this “step comes in support of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza.”
In the same context, the member of the Ansar Allah political office, Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, hinted that the ship remains in the hands of the Yemeni forces, confirming that its fate is in the hands of the Palestinian negotiator, reiterating that the release of the crew was coordinated with the Hamas movement, indicating that the ship will also remain on the negotiation table between the resistance and the occupation.
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A new Yemeni victory for the resistance and the restoration of navigation to normalcy… What are the dimensions of releasing the “Leader” crew?
Sana’a’s Supreme Political Council: The release of the crew of the “Galaxy Leader” ship as part of supporting Gaza
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