Tariq Saleh

Arabian Sea Operation Escalates Tariq Saleh Fears of “Houthis” Naval Battle

Military leaders in the ranks of Tariq Saleh's forces, stationed on the western coast of Yemen, revealed on Saturday, fears of what they described as "Houthis" naval battle. This comes on the eve of reports about an operation by Sana'a...

Sana’a Threaten to Target Pro-UAE Forces in Mocha

The Sana’a team for redeployment in Hodeidah revealed, on Monday, the flow of weapons and drugs to Mocha, which is controlled by the UAE-loyal factions led by Tariq Saleh, stressing that this is “clearly done,” in addition to the...

Israeli Deal between Tariq and al-Zubaidi on Bab al-Mandab

Israel concluded a new deal between Tariq Saleh, the leader of pro-UAE factions on the western coast of Yemen, and Aidros Al-Zubaidi, the head of the Transitional Council and the leader of UAE factions in the south. Exclusive-alkhabar alyemeni: The leader...

أحدث العناوين

شواهد على حرب الإبادة الإسرائيلية ضد الشعب الفلسطيني

على مدى الستة أشهر الماضية من الحرب على قطاع غزة، تحولت المستشفيات والمدارس والطرقات إلى مقابر جماعية دفن فيها...