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    The government media director in Gaza stated on Tuesday that over 700,000 people are currently suffering from famine, which could lead to their deaths in northern Gaza.Follow-up - Al-Khabar...

    UN Envoy Ignites Differences between France and Saudi Arabia over Yemen

    Saudi Arabia and France clashed on Tuesday, in media regarding Yemen for the first time, which indicates new differences between EU and Saudi Arabia, where Hans Grodenberg, the former ambassador of the European Union, started his duties as an...

    “Shadow Diplomacy” Strategy Raises Concerns about the “plan” of UN Envoy to Yemen

    As he began diplomatic moves in his duties as an international envoy to Yemen, activists and officials have raised legitimate questions about the plan of Hans Grodenberg, who worked in Yemen as EU ambassador, among the other four envoys,...

    Will Grundberg Achieve What Griffiths Failed in Yemen

    The spokesperson of UN Secretary-General, Farhan Haq, announced the Swedish, Hans Grundberg, as the fourth international envoy to Yemen, at the same time, Yemeni regional and international parties rushed to comment on the appointment of the former European ambassador,...

    US-French Military Alert in Arabian Sea as Houthis Approach Shabwah

    US and French forces conducted joint military exercises on Wednesday, for the first time in the Arabian Sea, off the eastern coast of Yemen, in conjunction with the approach of Houthis to the most important oil areas east of...

    Air Landing for al-Qaeda Threatens to Repeat “Deir ez-Zur” Scenario in Shabwah

    Sources in Hadramout confirmed that a military transport plane belonging to coalition had arrived at Al-Riyan airport, carrying a number of al-Qaeda fighters who had been released by United States, in a move that may in terms of timing,...

    Saudi Threat to UN over Yemen

    Saudi Arabia issued an official threat to the United Nations after it attacked its policy in Yemen, in a step that, in terms of timing, indicates the extent of pressure on Saudi Arabia, with Sana'a resuming ground and air...

    Sana’a Resolves Marib File, Begins Encircling Shabwah

    A prominent official in Sana'a announced on Monday, that Marib file had been resolved, in conjunction with the fiercest battles raging again on the city's outskirts. Exclusive-Alkhabar Alyemeni: This comes at a time when Sanaa's forces have begun to encircle Shabwah...

    On Eve of Military Landing in Aden, US Sends New Warning to STC

    The United States of America issued a new threat to the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which is loyal to UAE, in south of Yemen. Exclusive-Alkhabar Alyemeni: This coincides with news of new US forces arrival to his stronghold in Aden to...

    US Continues to Booby Trap Yemen with Al-Qaeda

    The United States continued to move Al-Qaeda file in Yemen, within a long series that has recently increased in pace and aims to justify a long-term military presence in the south and east of the country. Exclusive-Alkhabar Alyemeni: US State Department...

    End of Legitimacy Party in Al-Baidha

    Sana’a forces aborted the coalition’s dream of achieving a lightning victory in some districts of Al-Baidha, through utilizing al-Qaeda fighters stationed in As Sawma'ah district, and extremist Salafi giants' forces, after Sana'a managed to lure these forces into ambushes...

    أحدث الأخبار

    واصل اليمنيون في خروجهم الجماهيري الاسبوعي،  الجمعة، بشكل "مليوني" دعما لعزة تحت شعار "مع غزة جهاد مقدس ولا خطوط حمراء". صنعاء- الخبر اليمني: ونددت المسيرات الجماهيرية التي خرجت في العاصمة صنعاء...