arrest campaign

Arrest campaign targets fishermen in Hadramout

Follow ups - Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:On Tuesday, pro-Emirati forces launched an arrest campaign against a group of fishermen in the Shihr area, east of the city of Al-Mukalla, the administrative center of Hadramout Governorate, eastern Yemen.Informed sources said that elements...

12,000arrests in the West Bank and Jerusalem since “Al-Aqsa flood”

The Israeli occupation forces continued their arrest campaigns in the West Bank at an unprecedented pace, in light of the ongoing war of genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli occupation forces arrested from yesterday evening...

أحدث العناوين

صنعاء| الإعلان عن صرف نصف راتب قبيل شهر رمضان

أعلنت "وزارة الخدمة المدنية والتطوير الاداري" في حكومة صنعاء، الأربعاء، أنها استكملت إعداد واصدار كشوفات مرتبات شهر يناير 2025،...