Stephen Fagin

Houthis Warn against American Moves in Yemen

Anssarallah’s political bureau warns of the consequences of the American moves in Yemen. The bureau said in a news statement that the US moves in the provinces of Hadramout and Mahra represent a serious and blatant assault on Yemeni sovereignty,...

Al-Mahrah Sit-in Committee: American Visit Legitimizes Occupation

Spokesman for the Peaceful Sit-in Committee for the People of AlMahrah, Ali Mubarak Bin Mahamad, confirmed that, "The visit of US ambassador and the commander of the Fifth Fleet confirms all the warnings launched by the sit-in committee about...

The Most Prominent Sites of American Forces in Yemen

The areas under control of Saudi-led coalition in Yemen have turned into theaters and military barracks for the US forces and contractors working with them. Exclusive- alkhabaralyemeni while there was recently an American presence at Al-Ghaydah Airport in Al-Mahra province, in...

America Appoint Military Governor for Al-Mahrah

US forces imposed a military commander loyal to them as military governor of Al-Mahrah province, in eastern Yemen. Khaled al-Qamali, commander of the Marine Corps, officially received the security and military file. Al-Qamali previously chaired a meeting of the security committee...

Takfiris… the New Shield of Alimi

A new or old lineup for occupation mercenaries even if the names are different. It does not matter whether its name is “al-Jazeera shield” or “Al-Watan Shield.” after the occupier exhausted all his previous designations, from “Guardians of the...

أحدث العناوين

بعد 200 يوم من العدوان المتواصل.. سرايا القدس تواصل دكّ المستوطنات الإسرائيلي

نشرت سرايا القدس الجناح العسكري لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي، اليوم الأربعاء، مشاهد لرشقات صاروخية قصفت بها مستوطنات غلاف قطاع غزة. متابعات-الخبر...